Venues For Hire - Jubilee Community Centre
If you wish to book the Jubilee Community Centre (JCC), or arrange to have a look round, please contact the office on 01366 387770 or email info@downhammarkettc.co.uk
The Jubilee Community Centre is located at 106 Howdale Road, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 9AH and is a great venue for:
Training sessions and fitness classes
Dance and performing arts
Private parties for all ages
Community/respite care groups
The venue is fully accessible, with plenty of free parking and adjacent to a full size playing field which available for use by hirers of the Jubilee Centre. There is a fully equipped kitchen and showering facilities are also available.
Hire of the building is for sole use and you have access to the main hall, two side rooms and the kitchen all for £14 per hour!
Lighting and Sound arrangements - J R Lighting & Sound price list
DMTC Bouncy Castle Policy 2024
Waiver and Release from Liability from using Inflatables in DMTC Properties
If you wish to book the Centre for a whole day on a regular basis, DMTC may consider day hire discounts, please ask when making your enquiry.
As well as the Community Centre and skatepark, the site also accommodates the Downham Market Sports Club which is a friendly, family run club offering boxing training for the community. Contact: 07935 813940.
The JCC is owned and managed by Downham Market Town Council.

Photographs with thanks to:
Frances Rayner fitness class. Contact francesrayner68@gmail.com
Harrington's Performing Arts. Contact www.hperformingarts.co.uk
(All permissions in place)