How We Work
The Council comprises 20 elected Councillors who meet monthly in the evening, generally on the first Tuesday in the month.
The main work of the Council however, goes on in Committees, working parties and event planning groups, which meet each month or more frequently depending on workload.
Members of the public are permitted to attend Full Council, Committee meetings, and meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan group. However, should the meeting enter ‘Confidentiality’ the public will be asked to leave – this could be because a staffing matter or an item of business sensitivity is being discussed.
Decisions made in committees are ratified (or challenged) at Full Council by formal acceptance of the committee minutes.
Unacceptable behaviour
What will we do if your behaviour is unacceptable?
We will take action. Action could include:
Asking you to control your behaviour
Ending the call, meeting or conversation
Restricting your contact with us or the services you receive, where appropriate
Involving the police.
The impact of your behaviour and our statutory duties will be taken into account. We know that some situations can be difficult and lead to frustration or feeling annoyed. However, our staff have the right to do their jobs without being abused.
What can count as unacceptable behaviour?
Verbal or written abuse such as personal insults, shouting, swearing or threatening someone, their property or other people associated with them.
Violence or physical abuse such as throwing objects, hitting, punching, kicking, biting, spitting or inappropriate touching.
Harassment: offensive, hostile, humiliating, degrading or intimidating behaviour about someone’s age, disability, gender identity or reassignment, race (ethnicity and nationality), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. This includes hate speech and sexual harassment.
Making unreasonable demands.
Persistent or vexatious contact (unreasonably frequent contact; aiming to cause annoyance).
Spreading malicious rumours.
​This includes behaviour online (including social media), in writing, over the phone, or face-to-face.
Your rights
You also have the right to be respected and feel safe. If you are unhappy about the service you receive from us you can contact us by telephone: 001366 387770 or email: info@downhammarkettc.co.uk

Who can be a Town Councillor?
Councillors are elected to the local council to represent their local community, so they must either live or work in the area. Becoming a councillor is both a rewarding and privileged form of public service. You will be in a position to make a difference to the quality of other people’s daily lives and prospects.
Being an effective councillor requires both commitment and hard work. Councillors have to balance the needs and interests of residents and the council. These will all make legitimate demands on a councillor’s time, on top of the demands and needs of their personal and professional lives.
See: https://beacouncillor.co.uk/what-do-they-do for more information.